What Can a Business Consultant Offer in Terms of Value?


As hiring a professional business consultant can be costly for a small or medium sized business with a limited budget, a lot wonder whether it’s really worth it and what value can be derived from the investment. At HiThrive, we firmly believe that a business consultant can help improve organisations of all sizes and create more productive, effective and successful organisations with sustainable processes, practises and plans. A business consultant brings a lot to the table, including expert knowledge and experience. However, that’s not all. A consultant can offer a number of things that a business may struggle to find internally.

  • Problem Solving Expertise - At one point or another, most businesses will run into a problem. If this problem is something new or out of the ordinary, you may not know how to solve it. Luckily, a business consultant can help. With experience on their side, your consultant may already have come across a similar situation. If not, they are more likely to keep a clear head than someone directly affected by the issue and able to roadmap a suitable, sensible solution.

  • Market and Industry Expertise – Very few businesses can afford to turn down expert insight from other professionals who’ve been done and done that. A business consultant will give access to a great deal of market and industry expertise, much of which would not be available elsewhere. This represents a significant competitive advantage, especially for smaller businesses and ambitious newcomers.

  • Help with Staff Reorganisation - It’s never easy to reorganise or restructure a business, especially if it involves staff. Simply put, a lot of businesses will struggle to know what to do, when to make a change and how best to go about that reorganisation. This is something that a business consultant can help out with while also keeping employees engaged and involved in the process. 

  • Clear Goals and Objectives - As a business, it’s vital to have clear goals and objectives. However, knowing what these should be, how to structure and record them and then measure progress can be difficult. It’s hard to know whether a goal is within reach and whether objectives are achievable. A business consultant can help to set realistic goals and objectives as well as putting systems in place to keep everyone on track and accountable. 

HiThrive offers a wide range of business consultancy services to small and medium sized businesses. Contact us today and speak to a member of the team to find out more.  


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